kelompok :
. lam alif saputro
. marianus ronaldo jubata mare
. karromin
. hamdai
Concerned : prihatinkan
Determine : menentukan
Various : bermacam
Analyze : menganalisa
Particular : teliti
Comfortable : menyenangkan
Measured : telah diperhitungkan
Regarded : menghormati
Rather : agak
Ladder : tangga
Tycoon : raja
Variety : macam
Employed : mempekerjakan
French : orang prancis
Hoping : mengharapkan
Increase : pertambahan
Risktaking : mengambil risiko
Paychecks : gaji
Colleges : perguruan tinggi
. lam alif saputro
. marianus ronaldo jubata mare
. karromin
. hamdai
- vocabulary
Concerned : prihatinkan
Determine : menentukan
Various : bermacam
Analyze : menganalisa
Particular : teliti
Comfortable : menyenangkan
Measured : telah diperhitungkan
Regarded : menghormati
Rather : agak
Ladder : tangga
Tycoon : raja
Variety : macam
Employed : mempekerjakan
French : orang prancis
Hoping : mengharapkan
Increase : pertambahan
Risktaking : mengambil risiko
Paychecks : gaji
Colleges : perguruan tinggi
Exercise 1. Study the meaning of the following words, then use to fill in the gaps: monitor, check and control.
- Monitor
- Check
- Control
- Monitor
- Control
Exercise 2. Choose the words with similiar meaning from two columns and arrange them in pairs.
1. Costs = P. 1 line 6
1. Costs = P. 1 line 6
Meaning = expenses, outlay
2. Monitor = P. 3 line 2
2. Monitor = P. 3 line 2
Meaning = control, manage
3. Flair = P. 4 line 5
3. Flair = P. 4 line 5
Meaning = skill, talent, inclination
4. Entrepreneur = P. 3 line 6
4. Entrepreneur = P. 3 line 6
Meaning = employer
5. Forecast = P. 2 line 4
5. Forecast = P. 2 line 4
Meaning = prediction
6. Provide = P. 2 line 4
6. Provide = P. 2 line 4
Meaning = supply, equip, outfit
7. Job-setting = P. 2 line 1
7. Job-setting = P. 2 line 1
Meaning = place of work
8. Liable = P. .. line ..
8. Liable = P. .. line ..
Meaning = responsible
Exercise 3. Complete the sentence using the words given below.
1. forecasts means having the qualities that are needed to succeed as an entrepreneur.
2. An entrepreneurial is a person who sets up business and bbusiness deals.
3. A tycoon is a person who is successful in business and so has become rich and powerful.
4. The industry will have to pass its increased cost on to the consumer.
5. The management will provide accommodation, food and drink for thirty people.
6. He has always been self-employed for his children.
7. The benefits or fringe benefits of the job include a car and free health insurance.
8. He won’t quality as an economist until next year.
9. An individual hopingto start up a new company needs to have entrepreneurial flair or talent.
10. Unfortunately liable of higher profits did not come true.
11. Economists are concerned with the production, entrepreneur and comsumtion.
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